Your Top 5 Document Management Questions Answered

We’ve all seen that never-ending corridor of filing cabinets – the place where efficiency goes to die. We’ve all been put on hold while the person we’re talking to on the phone disappears down this corridor to retrieve a file.  What holds so many offices back from...

Document Management for Government

Embrace Efficiency No one has more sensitive documents and security needs than government offices. And we bet you have a lot of them. Local governments are tasked with meeting the demands of their constituents in spite of budget constraints. Keep reading to see how...

Key Terms for Document Management

Microfilm A length of film containing microphotographs of a newspaper, catalog or other document. Microfiche A flat piece of film containing microphotographs of the pages of a newspaper, catalog or other document. Aperture A physical opening that is part of the...

Give Your Documents Due Process

Defend Your Documents: Keep Legal Information Accurate & Secure Give your information a fighting chance and make sure it can stand up to courtroom chaos.  Need to create firm-wide efficiency and streamlined workflows, eliminate costly storage and increase...