CTI offers litigation support and closing binder services at a competitive price to area law firms

Legal Support Suite

You take pride in the way your firm represents its clients, but did you know that your organization can leverage its content to create new opportunities and swell profits with a document management system? CTI’s Legal Support Suite will simplify the various aspects of the discovery process by helping you to organize your case materials and create a centralized document repository.

A document management system integrates tightly with any legal management system to increase document indexing accuracy and eliminate dual data entry. CTI will make your documents electronically available to your firm to ensure that you can deliver the most professional presentation possible, in the least amount of time.

Specializing in document conversion and data backup and archival, CTI’s experienced team will increase your firm’s organization and efficiency through our cost-effective and secure methods of data collection, scanning, retrieval, and information coding.

Talk to one of our knowledgeable team members today to learn more about CTI’s litigation support services.

Closing Binders

Had enough of loose-leaf transcripts? Preparing paper presentations is labor-intensive and expensive.

Save paper, time, and desk space by utilizing a document management service to prepare your work electronically. CTI can create high-quality, space-saving closing binders. These convenient, digital time-savers are fully searchable and environmentally friendly!

Our closing binder discs provide:

• reduced margin for error – stop worrying about incomplete, missing, or duplicate pages
• added value to your practice – your clients benefit from a clean, convenient format that can be branded with your firm’s look and feel for a polished and professional end product
• improved resource management – your staff can spend time on other tasks instead of having to compile a ton of excess paper
• increased document security

Talk to a CTI team member today to get an estimate on our Closing Binder services.