Many practices are seeking partnerships which will cut down their form data entry time and keep them compliant

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Care360 and ePASS

CTI is strategically positioning itself as a turn-key service provider for medical practices who wish to participate in the Care360 and ePASS initiatives.  We are also building partnerships with insurance companies to promote compliance with these initiatives to their network providers.

How does it work? Insurance companies incentivize physicians to provide scheduled and timely treatment to patients with chronic illnesses in order to reduce hospital/ER visits.  To be eligible for this incentive, practices must call qualifying patients into the office regularly, provide proactive treatment, and complete lengthy ePASS assessment forms.

What are the challenges? The implementation of this workflow can pose challenges to many practices, from a staffing perspective and also from a productivity standpoint.  Because of the increase in phone calls and the time it takes to complete the forms, an office may lose efficiency and valuable time with patients.  Reduced appointments and the potential need to hire more staff are costly scenarios. Furthermore, failure to comply with the ePASS initiative can lead to loss of revenue for the practice.

How can we help? Many practices are reluctant to embark upon these changes and fear the cost associated with doing so.  This is where CTI comes in! For a fraction of the amount that would be reimbursed to the practice by an insurance company, CTI will digitize and pre-populate the assessment forms with patients’ medical history information so that the ePASS assessment form completion time is reduced by 75-80%. This can be done without hiring additional staff, reducing patient intake, or spending painstaking hours on form completion. In addition, the reimbursement to the practice could be up to 5 times the cost.

Success! Partnering with CTI ensures greater accuracy, patient retention, increased customer satisfaction, and greater revenues to the practice.  In turn, widespread provider participation saves insurance companies money through the reduction of hospital/ER visits. The patient wins, the practice wins, and the insurance company wins.

Learn more: Simplifying business and providing beneficial solutions are at the heart and soul of CTI. To learn more about how we can help you stay compliant and uncover additional revenues, contact one of our experienced specialists today at (800) 840-4CTI.